
Most Recent Articles: The Journal of Chinese Sociology

Theorising quantified credibility in the age of big data: a case of China’s Social Credit System

In this paper, I theoretically examine the concept of quantified credibility in sociology. I argue that quantified credibility has components of status, reputation, and trust, which are arbitrations of ranking...

28 March 2024, 8:00 am
Unintended consequences: data practice in the backstage of social media

Through an ethnographic study of Chinese IT professionals who integrate a form of data culture into the digital platforms they design, maintain, and operate daily within one of China’s tech giants, this paper ...

19 March 2024, 8:00 am
Short-term gains versus long-term strains: productivist policies and family resilience in China

This article studies the intricate dynamics of family resilience within the Chinese productivist regime over the course of seven decades, emphasizing the instrumental role of public policy in shaping this resi...

18 March 2024, 8:00 am
Harnessing the stream: algorithmic imaginary and coping strategies for live-streaming e-commerce entrepreneurs on Douyin

When an algorithm is embedded into the platform economy as a digital infrastructure, it affects the visibility of information, the distribution of interests, and the labor process. In the context of live-strea...

15 March 2024, 8:00 am
Meaningfulness experienced in performing domestic labor in Chinese families: a qualitative study from caregivers’ perspectives

The intricately connected interactions among personal choices, traditional cultural ideologies, and modern societal backgrounds have provoked dynamic interpretations and practices in performing domestic labor....

11 March 2024, 8:00 am

The Journal of Chinese Sociology

《中国社会学杂志》(The Journal of Chinese Sociology )由中国社会科学院社会学研究所主办,《社会学研究》编辑部和全球第一大科技图书出版公司施普林格(Springer)出版集团倾力打造,是中国大陆第一家英文社会学学术期刊。杂志致力于促进中国社会学学科的发展并推动世界各国对中国社会的社会学研究。通过提供高质量的学术产品和服务,杂志旨在为中国社会学者及其国外同行的学术交流和合作打造一个国际一流的学术平台。《中国社会学杂志》实施双向匿名同行评议制度,欢迎来自社会学各个领域及采用社会学视角的人类学、经济学、法学、政治学、历史学、心理学等各学科的高质量研究。
